
Pics of the Day: Oct. 4

this photo feels like a poloroid, i like it

katie rose
fresh veggies at the 'farmers market'

the chicken auction

the random assortment of auction items: this one being a very strange assortment


Hound dogs for $250

the $20 crossbow: 'it sell for 300 at cabellas'

And yes, you can even get food

the registration and coffee shop

Andy Schumate: he raises pigeons to race. They send pigeons to places like Germany or Korea and let them go--whoever gets the most amount of pigeons back fastest wins

I like this look: thinking about how much money you have in the bank, sizing up the goods. i saw this in my uncle al alot.


the end

1 comment:

gingerhillery@mac.com said...

The kids and I have been enjoying the pics of the day. Rose tells me to tell you that Rabadash no longer has a tail. The figs are ripe and we are learning about Tariq(don't invite neighboring conquerors to help with your own business), and Charlemagne. Goats have decided they want to go to the neighbors woods and field next door. Philip has been fixing fence. Wish you were here!