
Pics of the Day: Nov. 1

The First Annual Homerathon
The Classics honorary decided to put on a 24 hour reading of Homer's Odyssey.
At the top of each hour, we wouldbegin another book for a whole day.
We started on Friday at 5:00 pm. The night was long, really long, but
a faithful few struggled through.

Sam listening at the second hour:

Matt waxing eloquently: probably about rosy fingered dawn

The night set on fast: here tom gave probably one of the best renditions
of Book 9 that I have ever heard. Here he is covering his eyes as he
reads for the blind Polyphemus.

From 1 to 3 am we had our largest crowd, about 26 people, all dressed up
in their halloween costums. Later on in the Homerathon it was usually
me, victoria and the reader set for the hour.

The Tree by Kendell

Dawn at Midnight:

Julie Robison struggled through: her voice went out

Poor Tom had to read the longest book of over 800 lines:

Pics of the Day: Oct. 31

Dan Is Getting Hitched!!!
This post is in honor of dan (below) who is now engaged to Kate. Oh ya.