
Back to Hillsdale

There they are mom, new glasses.

Broadstreet market now hosts outdoor concerts for locals. The band was good before they lost power.

Theo "Clancy" Harwood came up with a brilliant fundraising scheme for the Classical Honorary. Have people pay $1 to throw to sponge balls filled with paint at Classicists. It turns out people need to get rid of some aggression. We made $164. Thats 328 paint-filled-balls thrown at us. It also turns out that sponge balls filled with paint hurt a lot.

James after a hard hour of "Paint a Classicist"

Sam and I stumbled upon some cloggers from the Lutheran Church

Big crowds

Jose Manuel Valle wearing my glasses

Hillsdale trying out some Geometrics

Living with sam is always interesting. Especially late at night.

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